If you show God your faith, He will show you His power!
Faith comes from hearing the Good News about Jesus Christ. Faith is our shield. It’s our deliverance. It’s our healing and our righteousness. Faith activates our promises, and it’s impossible to please God without it. So let’s build it!
Graphene is the name for a honeycomb sheet of carbon atoms that is said to be the strongest and most promising material on earth. It is nearly transparent, yet flexible enough to cover a football field. Graphene is more conductive than copper, and when narrow holes are inserted, rushing water can flow through, purifying it of all other contaminants. So what if our faith could be described using these same characteristics? What kind of faith covers, is transparent, flexible, conductive, promising, and strong as steel? Graphene faith!
Life can be overwhelming most of the time, but that doesn’t have to be the end of your story. This book will empower you to set unrealistic expectations to the side and learn simple and practical ways to love, serve, live, and lead in faith—Graphene Faith.