Linoleum Block Printing
註釋For those interested in block printing in any form, printing from linoleum blocks will be an instructive and inexpensive area in which to start. As Professor Kafka says in the introduction, "In no other area of the illustrative arts can the amateur meet with such immediate success as he can in block printing." His guide to the subject and his step-by-step instructions will make the success even more immediate and sure.
The key to Francis Kafka's text lies in the wealth and clarity of the material he covers. His step-by-step coverage of techniques moves the student gradually from printing simple monograms to converting photographs to block prints and printing in two or more colors. He also covers lettering, silhouettes, borders, and other basic techniques. With the techniques, Professor Kafka introduces the beginner to the different types of inks and materials available and to a variety of projects such as making greeting cards and printing on cloth. He also includes a complete list of materials and tools with directions on how to make cutting tools from the ribs of a discarded umbrella and a printing press from materials found in any shop. Throughout, there are special tips, guides to materials, and one hundred and seventy-five illustrations of techniques and materials covered.
Since 1955, many students have successfully learned this skill from Francis Kafka's text. Not only is the method as he teaches it inexpensive, but it is also easy to learn.