註釋In the words of Dutch visual artist Paul Segers (b. 1976), Im trying to comprehend or react to current issues of the 21st century. A century characterized by acceleration, polarization and technological overload that seems to blur lines between reality and fiction with each passing day. What makes Segers nontraditional monograph so interesting is the visual journey he creates within four chapters, each including descriptions, extensive visuals and texts: The Methodfull of collage-like drawing of ominous military armaments like swarms of drones; The Infiltratorimages of performance works; The Machine HeadSegerss collection of mechanical inventions serving no purpose other than as metaphors for technological paradoxes; and Daily Practice the artists imagined reenactments of postmodern workforce businesses and practices. Included are essays by Sebastian Olma reflecting on the artist in the here and now, Ine Gevers on the role of Segers as performance artist and Mark Dery ruminating on what we can learn from this humor-filled artist.