The Dark Corners of the Lindbergh Kidnapping
註釋This book will follow the same path as volume one by continuing to explore the dark corners of the Lindbergh kidnapping. All the topics throughout this volume will be ones that were never properly examined or evaluated anytime in the past. And the facts revealed cause the historical account to become very unlikelyif not impossibleas a result. As with the first, it is an unorthodox stylea book that may not transition from one chapter to the next as is typical. There may be places where I repeat certain information and/or mention different versions which may not always match up. I do this intentionally so the reader will have all of the information necessary to draw a personal conclusion. I have been very fortunate to be able to access a number of sources that are either not well-known or privately held. Each of these has enhanced my knowledge of the case, and I have tried very hard to communicate the essential findings of each of these to you in this book. In this regard, my book is unique and should offer new information to anyone who reads it, including the most seasoned researchers.