Nuts and Bolts Spirituality

Nuts and Bolts Spirituality explores the two belief systems that we hold about life. Theory number one of the universe says that we are separate from each other, separate from God, and is fear-based. Theory number two of the universe says that we are one with all things, one with God and is love-based. We observe that most of the people in the world subscribe to the theory number one about the universe.

To get real clarity on the beliefs that we hold about life and our relationship with the source of life, God, Nuts and Bolts Spirituality explores the two questions that must be addressed and answered. First, "Why was the universe created in the first place?" Secondly, "What is our purpose in that creation?"

By examining these questions we can understand life from a larger, clearer perspective. From this understanding the reader can view their own life with more clarity and awareness. This larger, clearer perspective allows the "sleepwalkers" of the world to wake up, become aware, and truly create the life of their intentions and desires.