Declaración del Concilio Vaticano II. Sobre las relaciones de la Iglesia con las religiones no cristianas
註釋The document Nostra aetate ("Our time") is a declaration presented by the Second Vatican Council towards the end of 1965. The text, motivated by Saint John XXIII but signed by Pope Paul VI, seeks in an innovative way to strengthen ties with religions It changed to such a level the course of the relationships that historically sustained the different beliefs, that as a result of its publication diplomatic relations were even established between Israel and the Vatican. The Declaration attributes to religions the effort to help man understand the meaning of life, referring to the origin and ultimate common end of humanity: God, and although the greatest words are dedicated to Judaism, the text also welcomes the ways of working and living of other doctrines such as Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism. This special edition, prepared by the Catholic University and the Chilean Episcopal Conference, had the special collaboration of the Jewish Community. two brief comments from two representatives of both religions, providing concordant views of how this document has marked a milestone in interreligious dialogue.