Effect of Wing Height and Dihedral on the Lateral Stability Characteristics at Low Lift of a 45 Degree Swept-wing Airplane Configuration as Obtained from Time-vector Analyses of Rocket-propelled-model Flights at Mach Numbers from 0.7 to 1.3
註釋The effects of changes in wing height on the static sideslip derivatives were fairly constant in the speed range investigated and agreed well with estimated values based on subsonic wind-tunnel tests. Effects of geometric dihedral on the rolling moment due to sideslip agreed well with theoretical and other experimental results and with a theoretical relation involving the damping in roll. The damping in roll, when compared with theoretical and other experimental results, shared good agreement at supersonic speeds but was somewhat higher at a Mach number of 1.0 and at subsonic speeds. The damping in yaw shared no large changes in the transonic region.