The Biology of the Turbellaria
註釋The Third International Symposium, The Biol­ technical papers by subject matter and to preface ogy of the Turbellaria', was held at the Limburgs each group where possible by one or two of the Universitair Centrum, Diepenbeek, Belgium from invited review papers covering the same field: We II to 15 August 1980. The first (Chicago, 1970) and hoped in this way to make the published pro­ second (Helsinki, 1977) symposia were held in ceedings more unified and more useful as a general memory of Libbie Hyman and Alex Luther respec­ overview of turbellarian biology. tively. This third symposium, however, was held in The success of the symposium was in no small honour of a living legend within the field of way due to the splendid facilities which were made turbellarian biology, Tor G. Karling. The co­ available by the Limburgs Universitair Centrum, organizers of the symposium took special pride in and in acknowledging this help we must make this, not only for its acknowledgement of Tor special mention of the Rector, Professor Dr. L. Karling's scientific contributions, but also because Verhaegen and the Vice Rector, Professor Dr. M.