European Integration
註釋[ ... ] Nafaa, H.: The European Union : political system and institutions. - S. 11-36 Schumacher, T.: The European Union's role in world politics : What kind of international actor? - S. 37-61 Bailes, A. J. K.: Institutional integration : towards a European security zone. - S. 63-105 Moller, B.: Institutional integration : towards a European security zone. - S. 107-156 Pfetsch, F. R.: The European constitution. - S. 157-196 Kühnhardt, L.: Constitutionalizing Europe : from national identities to European political identity. - S. 197-221 Lindstrom, N.: Perceptions of new EU member states : supra-nationalism versus national sovereignty. - S. 223-243 Meyer, C. O.: The limits to governing the European economy : how welfare state models, country size and political organization matter for economic policy coordination. - S. 245-263