Stoke-on-Trent Pubs
註釋The pubs of Stoke are numerous, and each has its own fascinating tale to tell. While many have been lost due to time, money or misfortune, the stories and memories live on. As one of the key centres of the Industrial Revolution, the development of Stoke-on-Trent into the expanded city we know today was heavily influenced by this major event. In fact, it was the development of the Potteries industry in particular that had a lasting effect on Stoke. The introduction of such big industries brought about major population growth in the town, and the workers and growing communities needed a place to socialise and relax. Well researched and beautifully illustrated, Stoke-on-Trent Pubs takes a journey through the city’s inns and taverns, stopping off for a pint, a chat and a bit of history along the way.