Skullduggery: Under Color of Law

My name is Tiwanda Lovelace and I am the daughter of a man convicted of allegedly killing a police officer. I have been subjected to years of unaddressed deprivations. I declare and attest to the information provided within and at the following links are true and correct! The supporting documentation can be found https://mega.nz/#F!HjolFYiD!6g220woQqxtU1B6lYQMkFw.

I have had no peace and in 2021, the use of technology to harass and induce harm has not changed, nor subsided. I have been harassed, subjected to illegal privacy violations and deprivation of all rights and suffered wrongful vilification, for decades without any shield! Let me be clear, we do not need more laws. We need the laws to be enforced for ALL, equally. 

Per the FBI file, their Involvement should have ended upon my return to GA but it continued for years, without justification. If the FBI's presence was lawful, why not communicate or assist with the enforcement of laws to uphold human and civil rights? These dates that have been sealed by court order were consistent with events and allegations of violations.

Instead of preventing the numerous allegations of rape, deprivation, degradation and rights violation, they did nothing but watch! When these allegations and concerns of unlawful privacy violations led to my request for a copy of my FBI file under F.O.I.A. (Freedom of Information Act).

The FBI responded by getting a Court Order to Seal...WHY? In decades of blatant disregard for human and civil rights, the only actions were to 'Under color of Law' cover up and hide their knowledge of atrocities...

I have traveled domestic and abroad, seeking assistance in stopping the abuse of power. However, as an unaligned and sacrificed African American female, (facing all of the 'Isms' of this world), I have received absolutely NO SUPPORT from any groups, organizations or entities.

Maybe your organizations will have better luck utilizing the supporting documentation that exposes decades of willful, corruption, deliberate deprivation of rights and blatant abuse of power! 

If I don't do this and require proper resolution, I will find myself still under a pressure from those racists who are in positions of power, male chauvinist who are quick to' sacrifice,' which is up to and including Officials and officers, forever." 

Besides that, you'll find later in this book I have plans to address power of attorney reform and add some ideas to police reform but to include conflict of interest for officers embedded in billion-dollar Industries. 

These officials are not trying to do the right thing and I know for a certainty how much musical copyrights and royalties should have been approximately. I know how much the online publishing should have been due to all of those third-party sellers, while each reported no sales. In addition, the fact that I believe someone in position actually went and held someone accountable for these very same violations... all while keeping me destitute. 

I'm trying to provide an opportunity to be able to have a public record of the atrocities that have been willfully and deliberately been allowed and supported through inaction of those in positions. Clearly, those in opposition to my freedom have been supporting culprits for decades. It is really sad that it is commonplace for such behavior.