The Manager's Guide to Rewards
Doug Jensen
Tom McMullen
Mel Stark
What You Need to Know to Get the Best For--and From--your Employees
American Management Association
, 2007
Business & Economics / Human Resources & Personnel Management
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Mentoring & Coaching
"While many organizations boast that their people are their most important assets, a good many fail to act as though they believed it." What about your organization? Does it "walk the talk" when it comes to proving to employees that they matter? Even the most well-intentioned companies fall short in their efforts to recognize and reward excellence. Sometimes the obstacle is a thicket of red tape or the burden of "the way we've always done it." And of course it's often a financial matter. Many managers believe that compensation decisions rest with the HR department. But contrary to what you might think, your hands are not tied. The Manager's Guide to Rewards is the first book to take a practical look at compensation issues from the manager's perspective. It covers everything you and your company need to know to create a program that significantly and consistently rewards great employees -- without overly burdening the bottom line.The Manager's Guide to Rewards also shows how to make your recognition and rewards program a positive and proactive part of your overall performance management strategy, whether you're a line manager or a human resources or compensation professional. You'll learn how to state goals in ways that create employee focus and define clear performance measures that motivate every employee to go above and beyond -- every day. The most forward-looking organizations realize that the key to attracting, developing, and retaining top performers is a comprehensive and progressive compensation program that reinforces the company's stated outlook on the importance of its people. The Manager's Guide to Rewards gives your company the power to compete with those organizations and achieve unprecedented and sustained growth.