Die Lösung der Judenfrage: eine Rundfrage von Julius Moses im Jahre 1907
mit Antworten von Eduard Bernstein, Otto Julius Bierbaum, Arthur Fitger, Henriette Fürth, Maxim Gorki, Thomas Mann, Lina Morgenstern, Rainer Maria Rilke und 90 weiteren Persönlichkeiten des öffentlichen Lebens
出版Edition Lumiere, 2010
註釋Spurred by pogroms in Russia, Julius Moses, publisher and editor of the "General-Anzeiger für die gesamten Interessen des Judentums", addressed an inquiry in 1907 to some 3,000 prominent persons, Jews and non-Jews, some of them known antisemites. A selection of the responses, mainly from Germans, were printed in the "Generalanzeiger" and later in book form. This edition includes a biographical sketch of the respondent at the end of each item, and an introduction by the editors, "Der Arzt, Publizist und Parlamentarier Julius Moses und seine Rundfrage zur 'Judenfrage'" (pp. 9-36), describing heightened attention to the "Jewish question" in this period and giving a biography of Moses, who perished in Theresienstadt in 1942.