Novel Approach to Curing Cancer
Proof that Medicine Cannot Cure Cancer (Version 2.01)
出版Jianqing Wu, 2019-08-11
主題Health & Fitness / Diseases / Cancer

In this book, the authors make extensive comparison between medical treatments and health optimization methods (an improved mind-body model) in order to determine their relative and TRUE benefits for cancer patients. For the health optimization method, they examine its use history, acceptance, and performance throughout its history; and for medicine, they examine medical treatment history, leading cancer theories, standard of care formation, formation of legal frameworks, and overwhelming performance data we could find from the massive medical literature. We can show with irrefutable evidence why medicine cannot cure cancer and what role it is actually playing. The book

(1) discloses a systematic methodology for curing cancer in confidence;

(2) extensively discusses how to do right things to win a speed contest in fighting cancer;

(3) extensively discusses how to do right things to control cancer cell population, a critical strategy for survival;

(4) provides detailed analysis of fatal common mistakes that have taken nine of ten cancer patient lives;

(5) exposes flaws in the cancer treatment models, medical research model, the foundation of medicine; and

(6) conduct a detailed analysis of four killer factors which are routinely found in nearly all cancer care.

The approach used to similar to one used in Health Optimization Engineering, a new branch of health art. The book teaches the decisive roles of SPEED, NUMBER and MULTIPLE FACTORS and how to fight cancer by using a two-way optimization methodology. Those three terms and optimization method are not mentioned in medical books, cancer research articles, and are not part of the language used in hospitals. Our simulation and our kinetic studies show that both cancer development and reversal processes would take many years. The rates of reversals for cancer and all chronic diseases are so slow that medicine cannot accurately evaluate. This is why medicine cannot recognize or refuses to acknowledge any cure that requires half a year to several years to accomplish.

The approach we use in this book is directly in conflict with three core concepts in medicine: dualism, reductionism, and population-based approach. Moreover, we found that medical treatments can partially neutralize and totally nullify the curative benefits of our optimization method. Based on our own findings and the results from reanalyzing massive existing medical publications, we inevitably found that medical treatments are primarily responsible for creating the cancer panic and the treatments shorten lives in a super majority of cases. We try to analyze every issue in the most comprehensive way. Our analysis covers medical model and its legal framework, leading cancer theories, treatment development histories, formation of standard of care, control selections in drug trials, the massive cancer controversies, and mountains of actual performance data. The most convincing evidence is the performance verdicts by recent medical studies and latest meta reviews. We try to built a watertight case that precludes any of those arguments that have been made by proponents of the reductionist medical model.