Ocean Acoustic Tomography
Alexander I. Khil'ko
Jerald W. Caruthers
Natalia A. Sidorovskaia
A Review with Emphasis on the Russian Approach
Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Applied Physics
, 1998
The purpose of this book is primarily to review and collect under one cover summaries of contributions to the topic of Ocean Acoustic Tomography by Russian researchers. It was a joint effort by the Naval Research Laboratory of the United States and the Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The work was jointly supported by the Office of Naval Research of the United States and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. While the United States has taken one direction in the development of tomographic methods for the study of the World Oceans the Russians have taken another. The goal here is not only to review Ocean Acoustic Tomography. but also to slant the review with a Russian flavor. This review, however, would not be complete without including selected contribution from the American literature on this topic. An excellent book by the inventors and early developers of Ocean Acoustic Tomography (Walter Munk, Peter Worcester, and Carl Wunsch) already exists that details the contributions of the United States to the subject. The U.S. literature will be cited less frequently than Russian works in this review because the American publications on topics of Ocean Acoustic Tomography are more accessible and better known to the American scientific community.