註釋In this book author tried to present the philosophy of charvaka covering the basic principles of epistemology, metaphysics and the basic thought of charvaka about the way of life. right from the evolution and civilization of the Indian philosophical system can be broadly classified into two philosophies The heterodox (nastika) and orthodox (asthika). Basically, charvaka’s whole philosophy is based on the common man’s daily way of life therefore it is also called as ‘lokayat’ due to his materialistic and aesthetic principles. Charvaka rejects the existence of gods like Buddha, the concept of the soul and Swarg and Narak concepts, in this book author describes charvakas life and basic principles based on ‘swabhavvada’. He rejects external power that can interfere in the human life. The author in this book differentiates between the asthika and nastika and the doctrines of Hindus, Jains and Buddhists. In this book, you will find the viewpoint of charvaka about spiritualism and criticism of the people about charvakas materialism. In this book author well-structured the charvaka darshan and its usefulness to the Indian society. The author emphasizes on the doctrines led by charvaka and its applicability forever for the mankind. The author says we can avoid Charvaka but cannot destroy his philosophy. As the philosophy of charvaka which is the first which propagated freedom of thought and nastikwad is closer to the nature and closest to the humanism, conscience is the basic philosophy of charvaka which propagated and stimulates the man to think which is the sign of liveness and this is the true philosophy of life.