Acquainted with Grief
註釋"Acquainted with Grief, written between 1938 and 1941, begins as a charade (what is the significance of the strange mock-Spanish dictatorship that serves as the story's locale: Mussolini's Italy in harmless disguise?). It proceeds sinuously while various provincial characters drift past and around the principal players--Gonzalo, the misanthropic bachelor and his poor fluttery mother caught in a web of social pretensions. By the close there is a terrible cry of death and despair not unworthy of the culmination of a Pirandello play. One can look at this bizarre novel as a symbolic attack on Fascism (later corroborated in Gadda's That Awful Mess on Via Merulana) but, as the introductory note makes clear, Gadda is really working out a private obsession-the Oedipal situation of his own life. And the long sequence where the villagers enter the deserted villa and discover the bloody Senora perhaps "murdered" by her departed son has a hallucinatory poignancy shocking in its nakedness, moral and otherwise. Here Gadda strikes through his lordly mask and speaks with true power." (Kirkus Review, March 1, 1969)