Carmen Tafolla Papers
註釋Consists of literary and academic manuscripts which reflect Tafolla's activities as a writer and educator. Includes poems and poetry collections, short stories, criticism, social commentary, textbooks, school research papers, master's thesis, doctoral dissertation, plays and scripts, instructional materials, notes, biographical material, and ephemera. Poetry, short stories, and plays often reflect life in the Mexican American barrio of San Antonio. Many of the instructional materials and academic papers relate to bilingual education. Titles included in manuscript form are Curandera and To split a human: mitos, machos, y la mujer chicana. Scripts to KLRN television series Sonrisas appear, including scripts by others edited by Tafolla. Some essays and poems were co-authored by husband Ernest M. Bernal. A book of poems by Reyes Cárdenas, Anti-bicicleta haiku, and a script and poems by students are also part of the collection.