John Meredith Read Papers
註釋The collection consists primarily of documents relating to the latter half of Read's career, specifically to his posting in Greece. These documents were transcribed into a series of typewritten folios with the intention of being published as a book, tentatively titled Impressions of Greece Under King George, 1873-1882. The transcriptions include extensive notes on historical and travel works by other authors, Read's correspondence, Read's general impressions of Greece and commentary on Greek life. These transcriptions were presumably made around the time of Read's death; many have handwritten corrections and additions. There is also a series of handwritten notebooks from which some of the material was transcribed, although many of the original notebooks are not in the collection and may no longer exist. In addition to the Greek material, there are also typewritten manuscripts covering topics such as Read's experience during the sieges of Paris; travel memoirs of England, France and Cuba; and autobiographical sketches. Some miscellaneous handwritten notebooks are in the collection which are preliminary notes and collections of sources for Historic Studies in Vaud, Bern and Savoy. Finally, there is a series of notebooks, scrapbooks and sketchbooks belonging to Read, Read's eldest son Harmon Pumpelly Read, Harmon Read's wife (Marguerite de Carron d'Allondans) and a relative of Mrs. Read's (Louise Carron), as well as some notebooks that may belong to John Meredith Read, Sr. The titles and descriptions of the contents in the collection are taken directly from the papers themselves when possible, although they have been expanded where necessary to assist the researcher. Most of the documents are in English, with some in French.