IRISChemical Information Database
註釋The Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) is the EPA's most comprehensive database for hazardous environmental chemicals. Updated quarterly, it covers five major subject categories:

Chronic health hazard assessment for noncarcinogenic effects
Carcinogenicity assessment for lifetime exposure
Health hazard assessments for varied exposure durations
U.S. EPA regulatory actions
Supplementary data, references, and synonyms

IRIS (Integrated Risk Information System) Features:

Our version of the IRIS database is available at a significant savings over the government's version and features powerful searching capabilities, printing and exporting features, and automatic installation...
Data for this package is compiled into a series of alphabetized searchable files that comes complete with a menu-driven search program to make finding information quick and painless. The database also features an automatic installation program and can generate reports as printed copies or electronic files ready for import into a word processor. Load as much or as little of the information you need from the database for fast results on your personal computer. When your IRIS quarterly updates arrive, simply load the new disks on your computer and the latest version of the complete IRIS database is at your fingertips. Even better, our version of the IRIS database is available at a significant savings over the government's version, and features powerful searching capabilities, printing and exporting features, and automatic installation.

The most comprehensive data available for hazardous substances...
IRIS (Integrated Risk Information System) features comprehensive information for about 500 hazardous regulated and unregulated substances. This number increases every three months with the addition of new files and revisions to existing information. Unlike other databases that provide summaries or abbreviated data, IRIS gives you extensive textual and numeric information complete with EPA contacts and full references. IRIS is the database to use to obtain the critical toxicity, regulatory, risk assessment, medical, chemical and physical property data you'll need for risk evaluations, regulatory decisions, and other uses. And with its quarterly updates, your information never grows old.

Chronic health hazard assessments include reference doses for chronic oral exposure and inhalation exposure. Carcinogenicity assessment data includes evidence for classification as to human carcinogenicity; quantitative estimates of carcinogenic risk from oral exposure and inhalation exposure; and EPA documentation, review, and contacts. Health hazards assessments provide information from EPA's Drinking Water Health Advisories (including health advisories for children and adults, organoleptic properties, taste and odor, analytical methods for detection in drinking water, water treatment, documentation and EPA contacts).

What Does IRIS Provide?

Complete U.S. EPA regulatory action data is presented for:
Clean Air Act (including NAAQS, NESHAP, and NSPS)
Safe Drinking Water Act (including MCLGs, MCLs, and SMCLs)
Clean Water Act
Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA)
Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA)
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) (including Appendix 9)
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) (including Superfund data)
Reportable quantity data for the release of substances into the environment

IRIS's supplementary data includes important information such as:
Acute health hazard information (e.g., toxicity, medical conditions)
Physical and chemical properties (e.g., formula, vapor pressure, flash point)
References and synonyms

IRIS Chemical Information Database is one of the most important reference sources available for toxicologists, chemists, chemical engineers, ecologists, environmental scientists, regulators, industrial hygienists, occupational physicians, government administrators, emergency response personnel, hazardous material response teams, lawyers, union representatives, insurance companies, commercial realtors and lending institutions, property pre-acquisition auditors, analytical laboratories, and libraries.

System Requirements:

To use the IRIS Chemical Information Database, you need IBM® or IBM-compatible equipment with 640K RAM and a hard drive with 2 to 15MB of available disk space (depending on the number of disks you load). DOS 2.0 or higher is also required. Diskettes can be ordered in either 5.25" or 3.5" formats.

The IRIS Chemical Information Database is an annual subscription product updated on a quarterly basis. A user's manual is included in the subscription price. Each update will be automatically sent to you unless you cancel your subscription. Because each update replaces the previous version of the IRIS database, you can be sure that you will receive the most current version, including searching, printing, and installation capabilities, regardless of what time of year you initially subscribe. Subscription renewal information for 1993 will automatically be sent to current subscribers.