The adoption of agriculture is one of the major
developments in human history. Archaeological studies have demonstrated
that the trajectories of Neolithisation in Northwest Europe were
diverse. This book presents a study into the archaeology of the
communities involved in the process of Neolithisation in the Lower Rhine
Area (5500-2500 cal BC). It elucidates the role played by the
indigenous communities in relation to their environmental context and in
view of the changes that becoming Neolithic brought about.
This work brings together a comprehensive array of excavated
archaeological sites in the Lower Rhine Area. Their analysis shows that
the succession of Late Mesolithic, Swifterbant culture, Hazendonk group
and Vlaardingen culture societies represents a continuous long-term
tradition of inhabitation of the wetlands and wetland margins of this
area, forming a culturally continuous record of communities in the
transition to agriculture.
After demonstrating the diversity of the Mesolithic, the subsequent
developments regarding Neolithisation are studied from an indigenous
perspective. Foregrounding the relationship between local communities
and the dynamic wetland landscape, the study shows that the
archaeological evidence of regional inhabitation points to long-term
flexible behaviour and pragmatic decisions being made concerning
livelihood, food economy and mobility. This disposition also influenced
how the novel elements of Neolithisation were incorporated. Animal
husbandry, crop cultivation and sedentism were an addition to the
existing broad spectrum economy but were incorporated within a set of
integrative strategies.
For the interpretation of Neolithisation this study offers a
complementary approach to existing research. Instead of arguing for a
short transition based on the economic importance of domesticates and
cultigens at sites, this study emphasises the persistent traditions of
the communities involved. New elements, instead of bringing about
radical changes, are shown to be attuned to existing hunter-gatherer
practices. By documenting indications of the mentalité of the inhabitants of the wetlands, it is demonstrated that their mindset remained essentially ‘Mesolithic’ for millennia.
This book is accompanied by a separate 422 page volume containing
the appendices. These constitute a comprehensive inventory of 159,
mostly excavated archaeological sites in the Lower Rhine Area.