Which Opportunities for Italy?
出版SSRN, 2018
註釋The volume presents the results of a symposium held at Bocconi University in October 2015, on the occasion of the Universal Exposition of Milan “Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life”, and it brings together the inter-disciplinary viewpoints of different academics and practitioners that in their day to day work are in many ways exposed to this emerging area of study and practice. In particular, the broader purpose of the papers collected here is to critically reflect on the current state of the food legislation in Europe with the aim of encouraging further debate in a country, like Italy, in which for historical and cultural reasons food has always played a very special and prominent role. Furthermore, in a time when the European project is facing one of the deepest crisis of its history (with the dramatical result of Brexit and anti-European parties challenging the EU's very existence all over the continent) the European regulatory framework is also increasingly perceived as a constraint which stifles creativity and reduces opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises (which make-up the bulk of Italy's industrial fabric): thus, it seems the right time has come to investigate whether the model of food regulation implemented so far is still effective or needs to be revisited, as many claim, in light of more flexibility.