Developing Child

Provides students the most support for learning and success

The Developing Child, 13e gives students the tools they need to organize, retain, and apply information from the broad field of child psychology, while offering balanced coverage of theory and application.

Through The Developing Child, 13e Helen Bee and Denise Boyd generate excitement about scientific inquiry by connecting research with applications. All integrated features within the text are designed to engage students and provide them with the support they need to understand, learn, and apply the material. Interactive resources like MyDevelopmentLab and MyVirtualChild offer students additional support and the ultimate hands-on learning experience.

This is the standalone book if you want the Book/MyDevelopmentLab/Access Card order the ISBN below:

0205865291 / 9780205865291 Developing Child and NEW MyDevelopmentLab with Pearson eText -- Valuepack Access Card Package

Package consists of:

0205206522 / 9780205206520 NEW MyDevelopmentLab with Pearson eText -- Valuepack Access Card

0205256023 / 9780205256020 Developing Child, The