A Case Study of School Leaders who Safeguard Sexually Diverse Students
註釋Gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered (GLBT) youth are coming out at an earlier age. Many young adults in the GLBT community come out by the age of fifteen, and some have known their sexual identity by the age of ten. Sexually diverse students who identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered often fear the consequences of coming out at such a young age. They fear losing friends and family and are threatened by the idea of being treated unfairly by others. Sexually diverse students are more likely to be harassed or abused by peers which can negatively affect their performance at school. In order for students to be engaged in school they must feel safe in their school environment. School personnel can step in and help this often mistreated group by providing safeguards to protect GLBT students. School administrators have the influence and duty to create those safeguards, and therefore, can have a profound impact on GLBT students. This doctoral research study investigates three suburban school districts that have safeguards in place for sexually diverse students. These schools are examples of what school administrators can do to help this at risk minority group of students.