Natural-origin Steelhead and Chinook Salmon Life History and Genetic Diversity at PIT Tag Detection Locations Throughout the Snake River Basin
Project Progress Report : 2021 Annual Report
出版Idaho Department of Fish and Game, 2022
註釋This report summarizes life history and genetic diversity information for wild adult steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and spring/summer Chinook Salmon (O. tshawytscha) sampled at Lower Granite Dam and later detected in a Distinct Population Segment (DPS) or Evolutionarily Significant Unit (ESU) population in the Snake River basin for the 01/01/2021 to 12/31/2021 reporting period. This reporting period covers analysis of individuals crossing Lower Granite Dam in spawn year (SY) 2021. A total of 3,126 steelhead and 1,974 Chinook Salmon were sampled at Lower Granite Dam. Of the fish tagged at Lower Granite Dam, 1,659 steelhead and 1,034 Chinook Salmon were subsequently identified at a PIT tag array within the boundary of a population in the Snake River basin. Panels of up to 379 SNPs were genotyped at both Idaho Department of Fish and Game’s Eagle Fish Genetics Lab and the Columbia River Inter- Tribal Fish Commission’s Hagerman Genetics Lab, to assign these fish to hatchery parents or wild genetic stocks. We describe the life history variation and genetic diversity of steelhead and Chinook Salmon detected in Snake River populations for SY2021. The information presented in this report provides critical data for viable Salmonid population monitoring of the Snake River steelhead DPS and the Snake River spring/summer Chinook Salmon ESU. Authors: John S. Hargrove, Fisheries Biologist 2 Micah Davison, Supervisory Fisheries Biologist Matthew R. Campbell, Fisheries Genetics Program Coordinator Suggested citation: Hargrove, J. S., M. Davison, and M. R. Campbell. 2022. Natural-origin steelhead and Chinook Salmon life history and genetic diversity at PIT tag detection locations throughout the Snake River basin. Idaho Department of Fish and Game Report 22-13. Annual Report, BPA Project 2010-026-00.