Traveling Directions for Women
On a Journey of Recovery, Self-Healing and Self-Discovery
出版Balboa Press, 2013-04-10
主題Self-Help / General
註釋Traveling Directions is a self-help guide to support women in their coping response to a variety of challenging life-cycle events and issues. The focus is on holistic, self-directed healing and recovery, using experiential exercises; guideposts and roadside tips; poetry; essays and a rich array of lessons learned. Opening the book begins the journey and engages the reader to stay open to developing the skill of self-awareness about where they are at all times. The book unfolds with a variety of brief, descriptive chapters giving glimpses of where the journey can lead and how to keep ones bearings. The ultimate goal is to help women secure a durable understanding about the importance of being awake in their lives and taking that awareness to the heights of positive personal development.