Problems and Solutions in Mathematics Class 12

1. Relations, 2. Functions, 3. Inverse Trigometric Functions, 4. Matrices, 5. Determinants, 6. Adjoint and inverse of a Matrix, 7. solution of a System of Linear Equations, 8. Continunity, 9. Differentiability,10. Differentiation,11. Second Order Derivative, 12. Rolle's Theorem and Languages Mean Value Theorem,13. Applications of Derivatives, 14. Increasing and Decreasing Functions,15. Tangent and Normal, 16. Approximation, 17. Maxima And Minima, 18. Indefinite Intergrals, 19. Definite Integrals, 20. Applications of Integrals, 21. Differential Equations, 22. Applications of Differential Equations, 23 .Vectors, 24. Scalar or Dot Product of Two Vectors, 25. Vector or Cross Cross Product of two Vectors, 26. Nagle Between Two Lines, 27. Straight Line, 28. The Plane, 29. Linear Programming, 30. Multiplications Theorem of Probability, 31. Theorem of Tota; Probability and bayes Theorem, 32. Random Bariable and Probability Distribution, 33. Bernoulli Trails and Binomials Distribution.