Unicorn and the Master's Glory

Unicorn and the Master's Glory is a magical story of creation. I've tried to steer clear of any one religious belief, but the story does rely on the idea of a creator who Unicorn calls Master. It is a story of the earth and the things that live and move upon it. It's about the spark of life that is carried in the body, the part that many of us ignore. My hopes are to teach the young and the old to care for life, to see the potential in the beings of this world. To care, to love, to respect.

The story begins on a world that has no existence until the Master blows life into it and creates one living beast. His name is Unicorn. This world is not like our world today. It's a colorless world with all the magic of life glistening in Unicorn's horn.

Unicorn is sad as he has no one to share his life. And as he moves about the earth, he is torn. The Master sees Unicorn's sadness and does something magical, but the Master is concerned for the welfare of his earth.

Our world today is filled with chaos and hate, self-righteousness and suffering. But what can we do? One way is to teach our children the values of life. It's time for all of humanity to care.

The book is in poetic verse which will delight young children ages 3 and up. I've found even adults enjoy the reading and drawings.

By using this favorite children's book character, Unicorn can teach a child how to care.