How To Turn a Healthcare Crisis Into a Health Care Opportunity

 Today we are in a healthcare crisis. All around the industrialized world people are struggling with declining health. From childhood obesity to the multiple health-related needs and concerns of an aging population, millions need help understanding, managing, or even reversing their maladies. Hospitals are essential of course, but most are set up for episodic care, not long-term disease management or continuous health improvement. So healthcare organizations, civic leaders, church leaders, and philanthropic groups wonder what can be done to help.

In this timely publication, authors Stephanie Lind of Florida Hospital and Dr. Susan Chase of the University of Central Florida share important insights and ideas based on a three-year pilot project involving Faith Community Nurses. Conducted in five Central Florida churches, the pilot sought to help congregations establish or grow an existing health ministry team. The work was accomplished through a partnership between Florida Hospital and the Winter Park Health Foundation. In these pages you’ll discover the project goals, the methodology and processes used, and how others can take what was learned and do something similar—or better.

The project described in this report was one among many of Florida Hospital’s ongoing efforts to help people understand how practicing the fundamentals of whole-person health aids in the prevention of disease and in recovery following an illness. I believe the authors have done a remarkable job of demonstrating how hospitals, churches, and Faith Community Nurses can positively affect the health of entire communities, playing a part in transforming our healthcare crisis into a health caring opportunity.