The easy-access, task-oriented guide to StarOffice Calc! Absolute basics to advanced data analysis Communicate your data: Formatting, charting, printing, and Web publishing Exchange files with Microsoft Excel users For Windows, Linux, Solaris, and other platforms Endorsed by Sun, publishers of StarOffice! Maximize your productivity with StarOffice Calc the easy way!
"StarOffice Calc" is your complete, task-focused guide to StarOffice Calc, the spreadsheet component of StarOffice -- the world's #1 open source productivity suite! From the absolute basics to advanced data analysis, you'll find step-by-step, quick-access coverage of everything you need to know to get productive -- and stay productive. Coverage includes: All the fundamentals -- fast! Values, formulas, functions, formatting, and much more Exploring StarOffice Calc's powerful spreadsheet views Building reliable spreadsheets with StarOffice Calc's auditing features Expert data analysis: Subtotals, consolidation, sensitivity analysis, goal seek, and scenarios Working with lists and databases Powerful communication with StarOffice charts Publishing spreadsheets on the Web or your corporate intranet Working with Microsoft Excel files -- and Microsoft Excel users
Don't just run StarOffice Calc! Master it, with the book that delivers all the answers with none of the hassles: "StarOffice Calc."