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註釋You have a great product or service. You know that a large number of people/businesses would benefit from its use. In other words, you have built a better mouse trap, so where are all the folks beating a path to your door? We're sorry; it just doesn't work like that. If you want to sell your product/service, you will have to find a way to get access to the key decision makers. Those people who can actually buy something from you and your business. This is the dilemma that faced Bill and Cathy King in 2009. Bill and Cathy had both lost their jobs during the worst economy of their lifetime. At their ages, they knew it would be next to impossible to find comparable positions in their hometown. They decided to open a consulting agency that would serve small businesses. They were smart, educated and talented individuals. They were highly qualified to succeed -- except neither knew how to sell. They joined a group that promised to teach them this critical skill, but after four months of vigorously applying the tactics they had learned they had exactly zero clients. Bill and Cathy knew they needed to meet and build relationships with business owners, but they were unsuccessful doing this through normal networking, sales strategies and cold-calling. It was time to invent a new way to get clients. One that didn't involve selling.