Is There a Future for CCUS in Europe? An Analysis of the Policy Framework and Societal Support
Elisabeth Dütschke
Vicki Duscha
, 2022
The goal of this paper is to analyse the societal preparedness for CCUS in selected European countries. Societal prepardness is understood as a combined analysis of political and societal perspectives. The countries of analysis include the Netherlands and UK as two frontrunners. Furthermore, Poland, a country currently highly dependent on coal, Germany, Spain and France as highly industrialised countries are included. Overall these six countries are among the highest emitters in Europe. The analysis assembles ongoing activities, the overarching political framework and climate goals; specific regulation and goals for CCUS and existing fundings instruments; the state of knowledge about the public acceptance in these countries. None of the countries seems to be on a straightforward path towards CCUS and especially questions around social acceptance are open in most countries. Most advanced in is probably the UK which combines a favourable regulatory framework with relevant past and recent experiences including high expertise from the oil and gas industry with comparatively favourable perception. The Netherlands have also far developed. In France and Spain some relevant experience are available and regulation has progressed to a certain level, however, the role of CCUS for decarbonisation is not clearly defined in the two countries. Germany and Poland are least developed towards realising CCUS and both miss important enabling regulatory frameworks as well as funding schemes. At the same time, CCUS is vaguley part of political strategies. With regard to social acceptance both countries face challenges.