Peer Sexual Harassment
Finding Voice, Changing Culture
出版Oakland University, 2005
註釋This intervention study examines the problem of sexual harassment in an alternative high school for at-risk students. It was hypothesized that creating a forum where girls felt safe to share their experiences would increase their awareness of sexual harassment and its effects, eventually contributing to a decrease in incidents of sexual harassment occurring in the school by providing girls with strategies to deal with it. It was further hypothesized that perceptions of students' loci of control would become more internal after the intervention and thus subjects would feel they had more control over their lives and bodies. Subjects' attitudes were measured using three instruments which provided pre-intervention baseline data: a newly created instrument used to measure student perceptions of sexual harassment, a revised version of the abbreviated adolescent "Nowicki-Strickland Locus of Control Scale" (1971), and the "Bem Sex Role Inventory" (1978/1981) Subjects were post-tested twice following the end of the semester-long intervention, two months after the end of the course, and four months after the end of the course. Both post-tests consisted of the same three measures as the pre-test. Analyses of post-intervention data revealed that students reported having experienced sexual harassment, witnessing sexual harassment, or knowing others who had experienced sexual harassment with greater frequency after the intervention. Analysis of data at the time of post-intervention 2 revealed that students' knowledge of sexual harassment gained from the intervention had been retained. Analysis of qualitative survey data prior to and after the intervention suggested that students who had not experienced sexual harassment were more likely to state that they would report sexual harassment if they experienced it than were students who actually experienced sexual harassment. Analysis of post-intervention data and administrative referral data revealed that students sexual harassment they experienced more frequently than they did prior to the intervention. Finally, results of the locus of control instrument used in this study revealed that subjects' perceptions of their levels of internality increased over time: the students' loci of control became increasingly more internal at the time of post-intervention 1. This increase continued to the time of post-intervention 2. Appended are: (1) Consent Forms; (2) Instruments; (3) Curriculum; (4) Interview Questions; (5) Quantitative Data Tables; and (6) Letter of IRB Approval. (Contains 19 figures and 72 tables.) [Ph. D. Thesis, Oakland University.].