Comparative Neurobiology in Chiroptera (Vol. 1)

These are three volumes to study systematically and comprehensively the brain structure in bats.
Volume 1 contains comparisions of the macromorphology, main brain components and selected nuclei. The text is complemented by 53 tables, numerous original line drawings and photographs and one atlas of a megachiropteran and one of a microchiropteran brain.
Volume 2 deals with the characteristics of brain structure in the taxonomic units and contains a comprehensive survey of the existing literature which has been organized on a taxonomic basis.
Interpreting brain data with respect to taxonomic and ecoethological relationships, volume 3 provides deeper insight into the significance of the diversity of brain structure. It contains the most comprehensive and up-to-date references on chiropteran brain structure and biology presently available.
This work provides immediate access to a large fund of well-organized information.