The Book of Imaginary Indians
註釋Mathematicians often use imaginary numbers to compute formulas that cannot be completed with real numbers. In the same way, modern philosophers and religious leaders sometimes use the imaginary philosophies of imaginary Indians to form a basis for their own profound and spiritual systems of thought.

The Book of Imaginary Indians examines several such philosophies, focusing especially on Joseph Smith's Book of Mormon and Hyemeyohsts Storm's Seven Arrows. It then examines what some actual Indians believe in and why that should matter to non-Indians who want to use Indian philosophies as a basis of their own belief systems.

Phil Hart, a student of religion and cultures, researched an array of concepts including creation myths, Jung, archetypes, medicine wheels, vision quests, Mormon philosophies, and a variety of religions to create this compendium of information about Native American and new age culture. He discovers that despite all of the differences, threads of commonality unite all people everywhere and that no one has a total monopoly on the truth.