註釋Explorer, traveler, adventurer, or discoverer, aren't the best words to describe Arwen. No. Homebody, bystander, and idler, are much better suited. Although she had always been observant, nothing ever sparked the initiative to meddle or investigate anything. Watching in silence was much easier. That is, until darkness began to loom within the realm of Santinevar. The lives surrounding her were fading and the one they depended on most had been absent for some time. It was clear the source of their realms life was dying and no one was doing anything to fix it. Arwen had lost so much already. She couldn't bear the thought of losing the only home she'd ever known too. There was no way to predict how long it would be before the plants stopped growing or when the creatures that visited would no longer come. At some point the fairies that occupied Santinevar would starve and, perish. Santinevar was the most beloved realm of all the world and was slowly withering away, transforming into a vast, vacant space. Arwen knew she had to do something about it. The question was, would she have what it takes?