註釋In cases of heart disease, the problem is often blockage of coronary arteries. Minimally invasive treatment of this condition involves insertion of a small balloon via catheter into the blocked artery, expansion of the balloon to open the vessel, and placement of a metal stent (a cylindrical mesh of stainless steel) to keep the affected section open. Recent technological advances have led to development of coronary stents coated with pharmacoactive agents that reduce the reblockage of the treated area. This report attempts to quantify the benefits & costs associated with drug eluting stent (DES) technology in order to inform resource allocation decisions in the Quebec health system. The report employs a systematic approach using evidence from both randomized clinical trials and from all-inclusive provincial medical-administrative databases describing local current practice patterns. These objective data are used to construct a realistic, transparent economic model and to provide estimates & expected variability ranges for the model parameters. The potential impact of implementation of DES technology on the provincial health care budget is estimated, and recommendations are made regarding targeted use of the DES procedure.