NEDO WG 3: Demand Response (peak Shaving)
Critical Network Analyses and Report on Network Conditions for the Substation Breg : Študija Št. 2370
出版Elektroinštitut Milan Vidmar, 2017
註釋In order to perform demand side management (DMS) in NEDO project network analysis and consumer data has been studied for the substation Breg. Load flow analysis and critical network operating states were carried out on the basis of DSO Network Development study for the Region of Ptuj. Load time series data analysis consists of four parts: substation analysis, feeders analysis, low voltage consumers analyses and load-temperature correlation. The active power time series data from transformers' measurements in a substation for the past 4 years (2013 to 2016) was examined. The DG active power time series data was also acquired and analysed. In demand response program only consumers below 43 kW can be controlled and there is also 50 hours of demand response activation available per year. With 50 hours of demand response activation available per year the yearly substation peaks can be decreased for around 1 MW [5 % P_yearly_max].