Global Education Monitoring Report
Global Education Monitoring Report Team
Gender Report: Deepening the debate on those still left behind
UNESCO Publishing
, 2022-09-30
Political Science / International Relations / General
Political Science / Intergovernmental Organizations
Political Science / World / General
The 2022 Gender Report presents fresh insights on progress towards gender parity ineducation with respect to access, attainment and learning. It showcases out-of-schoolrate trends and the results of a new model that provides coherent estimates, combiningmultiple sources of information, on completion rates. It also reviews the results oflearning assessments released over the past 18 months, which present an almost globalpicture of the gender gap in reading, mathematics and science achievement in lowerand upper primary and lower secondary grades. They provide a baseline against whichto assess the impact of COVID-19 on inequality when post-pandemic data start beingreleased next year. A companion to the 2021/2 GEM Report, it emphasizes the role of non-state actors ininfluencing gender inequality in and through education. Non-state actors have filled inprovision gaps left by the public education system. The 2022 Gender Report presentsevidence on gender gaps in the share of students enrolled in private institutionsby sex and what drives these gaps in the various regions. It also provides casestudies on the privatization of childcare in high-income countries, the impactof non-state faith-based schools in Asia on gender norms and the roleof women’s universities around the world. Some non-state actors have pushed the gender equality agenda forward,while others have undermined progress in order to maintain the status quo. Some have been at the front line for girls’ education in emergencies. Somehave lobbied against comprehensive sexuality education. Some championinclusion of marginalized girls, while others maintain discriminatory gendernorms. Depending on the context, it is important not to make assumptions butto look carefully at the data and work together to eliminate all forces that preventanyone on the basis of gender from fulfilling their potential through education.UNESCO is the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. It seeksto build peace through international cooperation in education, the sciences and culture.UNESCO believes that political and economic arrangements are not enough to securethe lasting and sincere support of the peoples. Peace must be founded upon dialogueand mutual understanding, upon the intellectual and moral solidarity of humanity. Inthis spirit, UNESCO develops educational tools and cultural and scientific programmesto strengthen bonds among nations, help countries adopt international standards andfoster the free flow of ideas and sharing of knowledge.