The Era of Military Coups D 'Etat
註釋This book presents a detailed story on each military coup detat that occurred in Haiti from February 1986 to September 1991. In fact, it describes the political spectrum that reigned in Haiti after the departure of President Jean-Claude Duvalier. The epoch that succeeded the fall of the Duvaliers from power was one of the most ambiguous periods in the history of Haiti founded by Generalissimo Jean-Jacques Dessalines the Great, in 1804. Dessalines, as GENERAL-IN-CHIEF of the Haitian Indigenous army, became the first of the nations Heads-of-state to be overthrown by a military coup detat, in October 17, 1806. Since then, most of the nations Chiefs-of-state assumed power through revolutions, or coups detat. Currently, the nation experiences 33 coups detat. From February 1986 to September 1991, seven coups or attempted coups detat had taken place in Haiti. That is that period of social and political instability that is exposed in this book. (In the post opinions, the author speaks briefly about the problematic of the army involvement in coups detat in Haiti, the January 12, 2010 Earthquake as well as the need for a new Haitian Armed Forces.) The book is made available to help Haitians or foreigners in particular those who are curious about Haitis history, including observers,professors, students, politicians, ordinary people, etc. Everybody should be capable of judging for himself or for herself on the countrys situation during and after the fall of the Duvaliers from power in February 1986. By writing this essay, the author encourages all Haitians that live inside the country or abroad to come to unity. That is a powerful tool that can bring Haiti to a dramatic turn toward consistent DEMOCRACY and economic development.