The Truth and the Legends Of the Ocean Great
註釋The Truth and the Legends of Great Ocean by Vladimir Morgan is a small encyclopedia of the Sea. This book has a stories about a surprising life of ocean, about its unique flora and fauna, about sea currents, the ships, navigating devices, about beacons lighthouses, well-known navigators and about much-many other, romantic and fascinating. On a plan, the represented popular scientific book is a bit of compilations, but it’s very competitive and interesting. This is for all ages. Îá óäèâèòåëüíîé æèçíè Oêåàíà, åãî óíèêàëüíîé ôëîðå è ôàóíå, î ìîðñêèõ òå÷åíèÿõ, î êîðàáëÿõ, íàâèãàöèîííûõ ïðèáîðàõ, î ìàÿêàõ, î çíàìåíèòûõ ìîðåïëàâàâàòåëÿõ è î ìíîãîì-ìíîãîì äðóãîì, ðîìàíòè÷íîì è óâëåêàòåëüíîì, ðàññêàçûâàåò ýòà çàìå÷àòåëüíàÿ êíèãà. Äëÿ âñåõ, êòî ëþáèò ìîðå.