The Secret Life of Rosie Mauer, Wallflower

Rosie Mauer is the high school librarian, lunchroom attendant and after-school detention monitor at Laurel Grove High School. She's got a cat for her best friend and a secret crush on her sister's boyfriend, a local fireman. She sings in the church choir and knows that even though her IQ is off the records, she blends into the world with as much flair as the wilting honeysuckle growing along the wall in her mom’s garden.

She figures her life will always be so bland. That is, until she is hired incognito to be the nanny for a rich man’s son who is a suspect in the murder of two girls whose disappearance and deaths may also mirror those of her aunt who vanished forty years earlier. As Rosie Mauer, she’s an awkward young woman who can’t seem to fit in. As her alter ego—beautiful and outgoing Violet Popovich, she finds herself lavished with gifts from admirers . . . and digging deeper into a crime surpassing the imaginations of those around her and puts her on the trail of a serial killer. Between her two worlds, she is running out of time as the bodies start to pile up. And it is getting more difficult to hide her secret life.