Easy English Reading and Writing : 비주얼패턴 고급영작

 Though some one dislikes Sentence Diagramming in English Learning, still many people around the world (except Britain) like and emphasize the benefits of diagramming. Someone says ‘Sentence Diagramming’ functions as a schematic of the Machine and develops deep, rigorous, literal analytical skills. But what are important benefits of Diagramming Sentences by using words or Block Sentence Diagram by using word groups?


First, Grammar is the logical, standard, and scientific rules for a language. In that sense, Blocks Sentence Diagram is one of the best and easiest way to learn English Grammar by following the local order and naturally constructing the sentences.


Second, Block Sentence Diagram is basically a useful Visual tools that allow the students to identify the different parts of sentence, to understand how these parts function, and to see how the parts relate to other parts of the sentence. Block Sentence Diagram arranges the parts of the sentence like a visual order to show the relationship of the words or group of words within the sentence.


Third, due to its visual character of elements and structures of Block Sentence Diagram, the students can get better understanding whole picture of the sentence and retain and retrieve the sentence  more easily. Interactive, audio, or conventional video learning methods are focusing on  short term working memories rather than long term memory such as sentence structures,  accordingly less effective as long- term memory.  


Fourth, Block Sentence Diagramming is one of the most important tool to speakers or writers. Once he can master Block Sentence Diagramming, every speaker or writer can design and develop their speeches or addresses with beautiful, powerful, impressive, rhetoric languages to persuade audience and reader.  


Fifth, with a little bit practice, every writer can use Block Diagramming tool to diagnose their own grammatical errors and can fix them.


Sixth, Block Sentence Diagram requires less brain space to figure it out from the Sentences, and Diagramming Sentences function like puzzles and reduce Alzheimer. Numerous recent studies show that benefit of doing puzzles as means of warding off Alzheimer’s. Block Sentence Diagramming can give you deeper understanding the English Scriptures and an anti-dementia tool all in all.

Finally, to the Student, English Learners as a Second language, Block Sentence Diagramming is one of the easiest, shortest and best to reach higher level of four dimensions of English- Speaking , Listening, , Reading, and writing even with basic level of English Grammar.