The rings of Dieter Roth
documents of a friendship with Hans Langenbacher
出版Edizioni Periferia, 2006
註釋Tiré du site de l'éditeur: "Folder containing 100 original documents, book with photographs of the rings made and texts by Jean-Christophe Ammann, Peter Noever, Adalsteinn Ingolfsson; in conversation with: Hans Langenbacher, Jean-Christophe Ammann and Flurina Paravicini-Tönz. 2006. The book, which is accompanied by 80 facsimiles of original sketches, drawings, letters and postcards, tells the story of a long-standing close collaboration between the artist, Dieter Roth, and Hans Langenbacher, a goldsmith in Lucerne and Reykjavik. The documents are printed on a variety of types of paper and are presented in a folder. Supplementary photographic and textual material documents detail the fascinating complexity of designing and producing the jewellery. The book containing the original documents - and the rings themselves - were seen in exhibitions at the mak (Museum für angewandte Kunst) in Vienna, at the Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau, and at the Musée des arts décoratifs in Paris."