註釋"Germaine Kruip's work is conceptually based and often ephemeral in character - the ideas that generate the works remain unseen, and the pieces themselves are often temporary. These factors make documentation in text and image a significant aspect of the work. Now that the documentation of various works has been compiled and the ideas around it have been allowed to interrelate, it is time to put these together in the form of a book. The medium of a publication will add another layer of concentration and investigation to her work. Kruip's practice stems from her education in and experience with theatre. With her entry into the visual arts she retained elements of her dramaturgical background. This has awarded her a conceptual approach which she also develops during lectures and other types of presentations. A book will allow her to reconfigure and readjust these thoughts and ideas, bringing them to a broader public. The four essays in Title are fundamentally concerned with Germaine Kruip's work specifically, however, more significantly, they expand on the concepts and notions in the work via the ideas of the authors. In other words, the subjects of the authors, their own investigations and research, is given due space. Kruip's work invites reality in, so to speak, by creating an open structure where initial ideas and aspects reach beyond the works themselves. The Illuminated Void is a similar - or parallel - result in the form of a book." "Two authors write specifically about Kruip's artworks in a broader (art historical) context - one in the form of a dialogue. Two further authors touch on the work from a more scientific standpoint (via the notion of cognitive perception and reception). Modris Eksteins will be writing an essay dealing with 'the gaze as document', taking Germaine's work called Image Archive as his starting point."--BOOK JACKET.