Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin?
Barry Chamish
Brookline Books
, 2000
Biography & Autobiography / Political
Political Science / General
Political Science / Comparative Politics
Social Science / Conspiracy Theories
True Crime / Murder / General
Chamish has carefully reviewed both the official government position on the Rabin assassination and collected a huge amount of information connected to the event and carefully cross checked it. The Israeli government's official position, supported by a special government commission, is that a lone gunman, Amir, assassinated Rabin. Now learn the truth behind Prime Minister Yitzak Rabin's assassination. Read about ballistics reports and an amateur film of the assassination which was doctored to hide the truth, but helps reveal it. Conflicting testimonies by over a dozen witnesses, including trained police personnel and bodyguards, is presented on how many shots were fired, and where exactly the shots came from; cries that the bullets fired by Amir were blanks, hence harmless, came from these police and bodyguards. There was little attempt to contain the shooter, Amir, before or after the shots were fired; the chain of evidence to the guns and the bullets that reportedly killed Rabin is broken. Rabin's wife was taken to secret service headquarters rather than to the hospital to her husband. Autopsy reports that first indicated the fatal wound was to Rabin's chest were later changed so the bullets came from the back where Amir, the convicted murderer, was standing. The strong possibility is that the fatal shot was administered in the car going to the hospital or in the hospital. Read testimonies that changed over time from the event to the trial of Amir. Chamish reviews the evidence relating to all these details, and more, surrounding the assassination. A far more sinister truth than the official version unfolds. This newly expanded edition reveals the conclusive evidence that dramaticallychanges one's views of the assassination.