Collected Short Stories of Tolstoy
註釋A new translation into modern American English directly from the original Russian manuscript of 24 of Tolstoy's short stories. This edition contains an Afterword by the translator, a timeline of Tolstoy's life and works, and a glossary of philosophic terminology used throughout Tolstoy's literature and philosophy. These 24 stories are his most profound philosophical narratives across his life, many of whom were unpublished in English until now. From the reflections of a billiard-marker in "Marker's Notes" to the tragic fate of Russian soldiers in "How Russian Soldiers Die," these sharp narratives into the "pity" of human life. Tolstoy's exploration of mortality and death in "Three Deaths" and "The Leap" provide thought-provoking reflections on the consequences of choices and actions. Additionally, stories like "The Blizzard" and "The Surat Coffeehouse" offer vivid portrayals of the transformative power of nature and unexpected human connections. Throughout his short stories, Tolstoy's profound observations and skillful storytelling captivate readers, inviting them to contemplate life from on of the century's greatest thinkers. Many of these short stories are distallations of his greatest works. 1854 - Uncle Zhdanov and Cavalier Chernov (Дяденька Жданов и кавалер Чернов) 1855 - How Russian Soldiers Die (Как умирают русские солдаты) 1855 - Marker's Notes (Записки маркёра) Historically translated under "Recollections of a Billiard-marker", but this is not faithful to the original 1856 - The Blizzard (Метель) 1856 - The Discharged (Разжалованный) 1859 - Three Deaths (Три смерти) 1860 - Excerpts from Stories of Village Life (Отрывки рассказов из деревенской жизни) 1861 - Holstomer (Холстомер) 1872 - The Prisoner of the Caucasus (Кавказский пленник) 1886 - The Leap (Прыжок) 1892 - The Story of an Aeronaut (Рассказ Аэронавта) 1893 - The Surat Coffeehouse (Суратская кофейная) 1894 - It Comes Dearly (Дорого стоит) 1895 - Françoise (Франсуаза) 1896 - Who Is Right? (Кто прав?) 1897 - Karma (Карма) 1900 - The Dream of the Young King (Сон молодого царя) 1903 - After the Ball (После бала) 1905 - Alyosha Gorshok (Алеша Горшок) 1906 - Poor Folk (Бедные люди)1853 - Why? (За что?) 1853 - Korney Vasilyev (Корней Васильев) 1854 - Berries (Ягоды) 1854 - What I Saw in My Dream (Что я видел во сне) 1856 - Father Vasily (Отец Василий) 1857 - The Power of Childhood (Сила детства) 1858 - Three Days in the Country (Три дня в деревне)