註釋The fundamental proposition of the paper is that we must look at the demand-oriented factors which generate the need for a particular market research product or market as well as supply-oriented factors which indicate the extent to which market researchers can efficiently satisfy the demand. The demand-oriented factors are anchored to the concept of product life cycle and the degree of maturity of a market research product or market. The supply-oriented factors are anchored to the concept of economies of scale and cost effectiveness of a research product or for a research market. After providing a classification of all market research products and placing them in a demand-supply matrix, the paper indicates that the future of qualitative research, audit research and data analysis research is bright. On the other hand, the future of library research is not very bright. In between, survey research, field experiment research and simulation research are likely to grow on a more selective basis. A similar analysis of research markets in terms of need for research and cost effectiveness of providing market research indicates that the future growth of market research is most likely to come from research markets of social problems, professional services, cross-national marketing, new concepts testing, industrial marketing and promotion and media management. It is least likely to come from distribution management, pricing strategies and test marketing. In between, selective applications of research to consumer behavior, retailing, advertising copy and small business markets will provide further growth in market research.