Queen of Light and Ashes

Queen Mèabh of Rävènna crawls out of her fallen kingdom only to land in more trouble. She’s been branded a traitor for the last millennia and must risk everything to gain allies. A Darkness has swept the land, destroying two out of the five kingdoms of Etrucia. Queen Mèabh’s light magic is the key to saving the rest of Etrucia. There’s just one problem. Her magic is blocked. In her plea for clemency, she befriends King Ràidhen of Èyre. He’s a reluctant hero and doesn’t have a strong sense of leadership, but he rises to the call of justice. He helps Queen Mèabh unravel the past, erase her treason, and summon the other rulers to save the world. In their quest to thwart the Darkness, Queen Mèabh’s ex-husband plots world domination and declares war. It’s a fight the allies cannot win, but with the right combination of magical beings, they might be able to stall for time. If Queen Mèabh can access her power of light, then all is not lost. With a secret heir in the mix, the kings must learn to trust each other, forgive the past, and come together to forge an unbreakable future.

This is an episodic series featuring short stories that link together. All books are between 100 and 150 pages. Thank you for Reading,