Killer's Night - 7 Spicy Tales!

PERIL PRESS presents:

Speed Detective, October 1944


by Robert Leslie Bellem

If you tangle with a burglar and a corpse—both of them female and beautiful and very prominent—you're apt to steam four ways at once, the way Dan Turner did.

8700 Words

Hollywood Detective, March 1944


A Dan Turner Story

by Robert Leslie Bellem

To win a girl's confidence Dan Turner turns actor. He should have known from the first Hollywood is full of actors and actresses

5300 Words

Dan Turner—Hollywood Detective, January 1942


by Robert Leslie Bellem

Why should a lovely movie star want to quit her career, hide out from everybody—including the man who loved her? Dan Turner found more than one mystery when death visited the lonely ranch house and offered an astonishing solution.

5000 Words

Speed Detective, July 1944


by Robert Leslie Bellem

As much as he disapproves of murder, Dan Turner hates blackmail even more. And as much as he loves a client who puts cash on the line, Dan's common sense tells him there's little percentage in trying to cover up for a killer . All of these factors, and more, confront him in The Case of the Millionaire Producer with the Puritanical Sweetheart.

Chapter 2: Ka Chow!

Chapter 3: The Answer to $10,000

Chapter 4: What Body?

Chapter 5: The Prowler

Chapter 6: A Threat

Chapter 7: The Plan of Action

Chapter 8: Fitting the Puzzle

12,500 Words

Hollywood Detective, May 1948


by Robert Leslie Bellem

The victim was no longer alive to deny or confirm his murderer but Homicide Donaldson was trying to finger Dan Turner for the kill—because in a Sunset Strip gin mill the Ace private eye had uttered public threats to feed the victim crooner a load of venom . . . it was evident that Dan was in a king-size jack-pot!

Chapter 2: Dust On Her Heals

Chapter 3: Twice-Made Goat

Chapter 4: Not A Joy Ride

Chapter 5: Holes For A Head

Chapter 6: The Clay Pigeon Flies

10,300 Words

Dan Turner—Hollywood Detective, February 1943


by Robert Leslie Bellem

At first, Dan thought the girl had shot at him and it didn't make him any the less mad because she had missed. But before he could make her talk, another bullet closed her mouth. That sort of interference in Dan's business was the last straw! Somebody was going to pay—and plenty.

8300 Words

Dan Turner—Hollywood Detective, February 1943


by Robert Leslie Bellem

Dan had little sympathy for the dead woman, and a lot for the girl with the pistol. This seemed the time to take the law into his own hands.

7100 Words

This edition includes all 10 illustrations to these stories plus pulp covers to all 7 stories.